Projection vidéo « Au nom des Roses » au Parlement Fédéral, le 14/02/2020

Le teaser de la performance « Au nom des Roses » réalisée à la Gare Centrale de Bruxelles, en femmage aux victimes de féminicide le 24 novembre 2019, sera projeté à l’ouverture de la table ronde, de la journée d’étude internationale sur le féminicide, organisée au Parlement Fédéral, le 14/02/2020


Différentes prises de parole d’associations de différents pays balayerons un tableau de ce phénomène de terrorisme patriarcale.



Round table Feminicide

 Dutch-speaking Council of Women of Belgium in collaboration with the Advisory Committee for Social Emancipation of the Federal Parliament

Friday 14th February 2020
10 a.m. till 1 p.m.
in the Forumbuilding of the Federal Parliament
Leuvenseweg/Chaussée de Louvain 48 1000 Brussels

Room Magritte


09.30 a.m.

Registration and coffee


10.00 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction

Karin Jiroflée

President of the Advisory Committee for  Social Emancipation of the Federal Parliament

Magda De Meyer

President of the Vrouwenraad (Dutch-speaking Council of Women)

10.15 a.m.

Feminicide in Spain

Teresa Nevado Bueno

Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby  – LEM ESPAÑA  – Forum de Política Feminista de Madrid  – Presidenta Miembro de la Comisión Permanente del Consejo de la Mujer de la Comunidad de Madrid


10.30 a.m.

Feminicide in France

Gwendoline Lefebre

President of the European Women’s Lobby – French feminist

10.45 a.m.

Feminicide of migrant women

Anna Zobnina

European Network of Migrant Women (ENOW)

11.00 a.m.

Q &A


11.30 a.m.

Feminicide in Belgium – Blog Stop féminicide

Irene Zeilinger


11.40 a.m.

Femicide: a specific type of crime or an aggravating


Mieke Van Laer

Progress Lawyers

11.50 a.m.

Femicide: the approach by the Belgian justice

Christian De Valkeneer

Attorney General Liège

0.05 p.m.

Discussion:  how to include femicide in the Belgian criminal law?


0.40 p.m.


Sylvie Lausberg

President of the Conseil des femmes francophones de Belgique


Magda De Meyer

President of the Vrouwenraad (Dutch-speaking Council of Women)

0.50 p.m.

Final Statement

Nathalie Muylle

Federal Minister of Equal Opportunities


Simultaneous translation Eng/Fr/ Dutch

The number of places is limited to 60

Registration is free but please confirm your participation before the 7th of  February 2020 by mail to

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